Mois茅s G贸mez

Spanish Pastor
Mois茅s G贸mez
About Mois茅s

Mois茅s G贸mez naci贸 y creci贸 en Santo Domingo, Rep煤blica Dominicana. Obtuvo su Licenciatura y Maestr铆a en Negocios. Trabaj贸 como profesor universitario y consultor de empresas durante m谩s de 10 a帽os. Desde su juventud ha estado sirviendo en el ministerio y en la iglesia local. En 2011, complet贸 una Maestr铆a en Estudios Teol贸gicos en el Seminario Bautista Reformado. En diciembre de 2018, termin贸 su maestr铆a en Divinidad en el Southeastern Theological Seminary, donde actualmente se encuentra cursando sus estudios avanzados en Teologia Sistematica.

Mois茅s sirvi贸 como di谩cono y l铆der juvenil durante varios a帽os en la Iglesia Bautista Internacional en Santo Domingo. Est谩 felizmente casado con Betsy G贸mez, con quien ha tenido cuatro hijos, Josu茅, Samuel, Grace y David G贸mez. Es amante de los deportes, especialmente del b茅isbol ya que jug贸 durante sus primeros a帽os en la universidad. La comida dominicana es su favorita. Le gusta pasar tiempo con su familia y compartir el evangelio de Cristo.

Mois茅s G贸mez was born and raised in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He obtained both his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in business. He worked as a university professor and business consultant for more than 10 years. Since his youth, he has been serving in ministry and in the local church. In 2011, he completed a Master's Degree in Theological Studies at the Reformed Baptist Seminary. In December 2018, he finished his MDiv at the Southeastern Theological Seminary, where he is currently pursuing his advanced studies in Systematic Theology.

Mois茅s served as a deacon and youth leader for several years at the International Baptist Church in Santo Domingo. He is happily married to Betsy G贸mez, with whom he has had four children: Josu茅, Samuel, Grace, and David G贸mez. He is a lover of sports, especially baseball since he played through his first years in college. Dominican food is his favorite. He enjoys spending time with his family and sharing the gospel of Christ.

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