Haggai 2:10-19 | Unclean and Unmerited Favor
Kurt Bost | November 19, 2023
Scripture: Haggai 2:10-19
Big Idea: "Unholiness defiles the human heart, but God in His great mercy and love bestows unmerited favor upon His covenant people." Point 1: Defiled and without hope [vv. 10-14] Point 2: Disciplined and in need of repentance [vv. 15-17] Point 3: Directed and given gracious hope [vv. 18-19] Are we hiding darkness and defilement in our hearts behind busyness and āserviceā for the Lord? How do we Respond Today? 1. Consider your Defilement 2. Consider your Repentance 3. Consider God's Grace